Does the web host own my site?

Here at i.Web, we believe that your website is an extension of your business. This means that your website and its contents is yours and yours alone. You own the domain name and the code behind the website. We take customer privacy and confidentiality very seriously and we will never share any information among other clients that choose us as the hosting provider.

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When is the hosting fee due?

All of our hosting plans are billed out annually in January. The bill contains the entire calendar year of hosting and if any changes occur, you will be completely reimbursed. The annual billing cycle is the most convenient and easiest option for our clients and it allows them to concentrate on their business and customers.

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Can I change or upgrade my hosting plan?

Of course! At any point in time, you can upgrade or downgrade to a hosting plan that best suits your needs. Our hosting plans are billed annually and if you decide to change to a different plan you will be reimbursed or charged the difference between the two plans. We understand the needs of your business can change, and we want to provide you with hosting options that can grow with your business.

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What is web hosting?

Web hosting refers to a service that puts your website on the Internet. In other words, it makes your website available to your customers. All websites on the internet today use a hosting provider. A web host is a server or computer that serves web pages to your customers and it is required for your website to run. The host provides computer space for your website and an internet connection. Our hosting plans offer flexible options that allows you to choose the best hosting solution for your website.

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Which hosting plan is right for me?

We offer three hosting plans that can be tailored to your specific needs. Below is a detailed explanation of each. Personal - $15 month The Personal hosting plan is for those individuals that are not considered a business and would like to host a website with one to three pages. This plan is ideal for those who will not have a high traffic site and for those looking for a simple hosting provider.   Business - $30 month The Business plan is for small to medium size businesses that are looking to promote their products and services. This plan is [...]

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What if I don’t completely know what I need in my website yet?

We realize that the requirements for your website will evolve as we discuss the details and the design process is underway. During the development phase the website will change and evolve; you will work closely with our design team to suggest improvements and enhancements to the site to make it work better. If you don't have any content for your website that's okay too, we can help with that. We have created some amazing websites for clients that didn't know where to start or what they wanted. In the design process, the planning phase is setup in such a way [...]

Will I have a say in how my website looks and how it works?

Of course! You will have complete creative control during the design process of your new website. Early in the design process we will ask you what you are looking for in a website and how you want it to work. Have an idea or want us to change something, just let us know. We take a hands-on approach when creating a new website which means you will have a say in how your website looks and how you want your customers to use it.

Will the design of my website look good on mobile phone and tablets?

YES, all of our designs that we create are considered responsive. Responsive design is a way to create a website that "responds" or resizes itself depending on the type of device it is being viewed on. This could be a large computer screen, a laptop, 10 or 7 inch tablet, or even a 4 inch smartphone screen. With more and more customers using their tablets or smartphones to view content on the web, you can rest assure that your website will look great across all devices.

What happens if I need my website updated?

If you have one of our hosting plans, we will provide unlimited website updates to you at NO EXTRA CHARGE. One of the burdens of owning a website is keeping it up-to-date. We take the burden of maintaining your website for you so that you can concentrate on your business and customers. All you have to do is email or call us with the changes you want to make and we'll take care of the rest.

I don’t understand one of the steps in the design process, Who can help me?

If there is a step in the design process that needs clarification, please don't hesitate to contact our support team by phone: 317.850.7583 or by email: OR even easier use our contact form by clicking HERE. There is no such thing as a bad question and maybe we need to explain one of our design processes better. Either way, we are here to answer any and all of your questions about working with us.